4 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Having a Mobile App

In the past, only big businesses benefited from mobile apps. The rising cost of custom app developers made it impossible for small business owners to develop one. But thanks to app development software tools, small businesses are starting to enter the mobile app realm. This allowed business owners with no coding experience to develop an app for their business.

Does your business have a mobile app? If you don’t, now would be the perfect time to build one.

Here are 4 ways your business can benefit from having a mobile app.

Connect better with customers

People always seem to be busy and on the go. They’re going to the office, on their way to a meeting, hitting the gym, or meeting with a friend. When they’re outside, they don’t have access to a computer. But they always have their smartphone within reach.

Having a responsive website is great. Here, they’ll be able to find great products and buy them. However, it may not enable the two-way communication that the app boasts off.

A mobile app provides a direct channel of communication between you and your customers. It allows you to send push notifications directly to your customers’ phones. These notifications can be used to promote new products or services, announce sales or discounts, or share other important information about your business.

This two-way communication is key to building strong relationships with your customers and fostering trust.

Build a stronger brand

Mobile apps bring a lot of information about your products and services to your clients. It improves your mobile presence and exposes your business to a wider audience. Your company logo and slogan will always be visible to users whenever they use their smartphone.

Today, only 55% of businesses have a mobile app. If you don’t already have one, we urge you to develop one now. It will enhance brand recognition and make you stand out from the competition. By the time your competitors realize the importance of having one, you have already grabbed almost the entire market share.

Fast, seamless appointment scheduling

In today’s business world, time is money. People prefer convenience. According to a recent survey conducted by OpenMarket, millennials would rather send a message or an email than make a call.

One of the most beneficial features of mobile apps is the ability to schedule appointments quickly and easily. With a few clicks, clients can choose the date, time, and type of appointment they need. This convenience means that business owners can fill their appointment books more quickly and with less hassle. Additionally, mobile apps often allow business owners to send reminders to clients before their appointments, ensuring that appointments are kept and further reducing the chance for scheduling conflicts. In today’s fast-paced world, mobile apps that allow for easy appointment scheduling are a valuable asset for business owners.

Increase sales

Today, more and more prefer online shopping over conventional shopping. After all, it’s easier and more convenient. Having an app makes it easier for consumers shop whenever they want, wherever they are.

You may have a website where customers can check your newest products and services, but having a mobile app increases customer satisfaction. Remember, 70% of buying experiences are influenced by how customers feel they’re being treated. The more you provide value to your customers, the more they become interested with your products and services. This leads to more sales and bigger profits.

Final thoughts

As you can see, there are many benefits of having a mobile app for your business. If you don’t already have one, now is the time to consider developing one for your business. With a well-designed and user-friendly app, you can increase brand awareness, build customer loyalty, generate more sales, and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.


4 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Having a Mobile App

4 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Having a Mobile App4 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Having a Mobile App

Blogging Benefits that Will Change Your Business Forever

In the early days of the internet, blogging was one of the most popular ways to share information and connect with others. Today, social media has taken over as the primary platform for online communication, and many people have questioned whether blogging is still relevant.

While it is true that social media has eclipsed blogging in terms of popularity, it is still a powerful tool that can help you reach your goals.

If you’re thinking it might be time to start blogging, but you’re not sure if it’s worth the time and effort, then we urge you to keep reading. Here are 6 blogging benefits that will change your business forever.

Boost search engine optimization

SEO is extremely important for any business operating on the web. Every time you write a blog post, more pages from your domain become indexed in search engines. This gives you another opportunity to be found by people.

Search engines don’t want to send users to abandoned websites with outdated content. By regularly publishing contents to your website, you stand a better chance of being found by your target audience.

Drive traffic to your website

Blogging is an inexpensive way to attract more potential customers and drive traffic to your website. Studies suggest that companies who blog get 67% more leads as compared to those who don’t. In order to do that, you first need to know your target audience and create contents that will be of value to them.

Position your brand as an industry leader

Blogging is especially beneficial for small businesses looking to gain credibility. Majority of people go online to because they want information. By providing fresh, valuable information in your blog posts, you can build trust and clout within your industry. Over time, people will come to you for informative, helpful content and will be seen as an industry leader.

Convert traffic into customers

Now that you have captured the attention of your target audience, you want them to keep coming back to your site. To do that, you need to provide them with fresh, interesting and informative content on a regular basis. Once you have built an audience of loyal and trusting readers, it will be a lot easier to sell to them. In fact, studies show that 67% of American buyers have made a purchase based on blog posts.

Building your personal brand

Blogs are a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. You can blog about anything, from your personal life to your professional journey. And unlike social media, blogs allow you to control the narrative. You can decide what information you want to share, and how you want to share it. As a result, blogs can be a powerful tool for building your personal brand. In addition, blogs can help you to connect with like-minded people and create a sense of community.

Differentiate your brand from the competition

Blogs are a powerful tool that can help businesses to differentiate their brands from the competition. This is essential in business; it’s what sets you apart from the competition and drives customers to your door. When used effectively, blogs can provide insights into your company culture, values and vision. They can also be used to share news and announcements, showcase customer testimonials, and promote special offers.

In addition, a blog can help humanize your brand, making it more relatable and approachable. By sharing the story of your brand, you can connect with potential customers on a personal level and build trust. So if you’re looking to differentiate your brand from the competition, consider starting a blog. It could just be the thing that sets you apart and helps you attract more business.

Final thoughts

A blog can be a powerful asset for your business. It can help you drive traffic to your site, position yourself as an industry leader, and convert traffic into customers. If you need help starting a business blog, we’re here to help. We’ll work with you to create content that is relevant to your target audience and helps you achieve your marketing goals. Schedule a free consultation today to get started.

Blogging Benefits that Will Change Your Business Forever

Blogging Benefits that Will Change Your Business ForeverBlogging Benefits that Will Change Your Business Forever

6 Tips for Starting a Business Podcast

I’m sure many of you already listen to podcasts daily or weekly. Some people listen to podcasts to make long commutes more bearable. Others see it as a way to stimulate their brain while waiting to see their doctor or motivate them while working out.

Podcasts are engaging, full of information, and convenient for listeners. That’s why podcasts have grown in popularity over the years. And the trend isn’t showing any signs of slowing down any time soon. In fact, studies suggest that 80 million Americans listen to podcasts every week. Even better, 26% of them are college graduates with a higher income bracket.

If you’re looking for a way to capture your audience’s attention, build brand awareness, and add value to your listener base, you might consider hopping on the podcast train.

Here are six tips for starting a business podcast.

Create an ideal listener avatar

For most people, the goal of starting a podcast is to spark conversation about a topic you’re passionate about. It would be impossible to do that if you have no idea who you’re trying to reach.

Now, sit down and imagine what your ideal listener looks like. Be as detailed as possible. List important details such as age, interests, level of education, passion, etc.

This simple exercise will help you decide what topics to cover on your podcasts and ensure they are tailored to your audience. Remember, your listeners need to gain something from each episode.

Choose a name

Now that you’ve identified your audience and probably have some ideas about the topics you’d focus on, it’s time to name your podcast.

The name you choose should give some indication of what your podcast is about. Now, consider the topics you’ll cover for your episodes and use them as a guide in naming your podcast.

Your podcast name should be catchy, concise, and enticing enough to capture your audience’s attention. Try to keep it as short as possible. Why? Because it’s easier to remember and say out loud.

Set up your equipment

You don’t need a professional studio with fancy equipment to start a podcast. All you need is a laptop, a microphone, headphones, and recording software.

For instance, a poor-quality mic will produce poor audio that will make your podcast seem amateurish. So if you’re serious about podcasting and have the budget, we highly recommend investing in your equipment. A condenser microphone and a pop filter can make a huge difference.

Invite guests to your podcast 

Let’s face it. It isn’t easy to convince people to listen to your podcast, especially when you’re just starting out. So how do you make it easier? By inviting guests and interviewing them. If possible, get on their programs too.

This is a great way to market yourself and your podcast, attract listeners, and make waves within your industry.

When choosing guests for your podcast, find someone who already has a solid following and has the same listener avatar as you. If they liked your episode, they would likely come back for more. Now, the only thing you’ll need to do is to keep talking about a topic you’re passionate about and share your knowledge with your listeners.

Build a backlog of episodes

Some listeners aren’t convinced to subscribe after listening to just one episode. But some people would consume several episodes in one afternoon. That said, it is best to have at least three episodes in your backlog before you launch.

We understand that developing ideas for your podcast episodes can be challenging. But the last thing you want is to launch your first episode and then have no plan for the succeeding episodes.

Without new episodes to explore, listeners are less likely to be invested in your podcast and will probably forget about you.

Promote your podcast

You’ve already spent time listing topics and recording and editing your podcast, so why not repurpose your content and share them across multiple social media platforms?

Remember, though, that people expect different types of content for each platform. So make sure that you customize your content for each platform. For instance, if you record a video while podcasting, you can share it on Youtube. Or you can cut it into clips and share it on Facebook.

You can also reach out to other podcasters and ask to set up a cross-promotion. Or you can pitch yourself as a guest on their podcast.

Final thoughts 

If you’ve been thinking of starting a podcast for some time now, we encourage you to create one today.

Incorporating podcasts into your digital marketing strategy will help you cultivate a community of loyal listeners and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

6 Tips for Starting a Business Podcast

6 Tips for Starting a Business Podcast6 Tips for Starting a Business Podcast

4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to be Podcasting

Podcasts are a powerful marketing tool. Over the years, it has garnered immense popularity, with more and more businesses discovering how it can benefit their company. If you still haven’t incorporated podcasting into your marketing campaign, then you’re losing out on a lot of business opportunities.

Here are 4 reasons why your business needs to be podcasting.

Brand awareness

As mentioned above, podcasting is a powerful marketing tool. It can help you reach new audience, drive traffic to your site, and even build a community. By broadcasting podcasts regularly, it will help develop your company’s brand to make it a household name.


A lot of people are put off by the seemingly confusing technical aspects of recording a podcast. Producing a podcast is not as complicated as what most people think. You do not need a lot of money either to start a podcast.

To start, all you need is a microphone, a headset, a recording device, and editing software. A good wifi connection is also important for uploading the files.

Easy to consume

Humans have a very short attention span. In fact, an average person has an average attention span of 8 seconds. If you want to get your message across, then you need to make it easier for your audience to consume and understand what you’re trying to say. Podcasts can help you do that.

A 1,500-word article may provide your audience the information they need. However, not everyone will have the patience to read through the entire article. With podcasts, you can convey the message in a more interactive way. Plus, people can listen to podcasts during their commute or while doing other things at work or at home.

Build better relationship with your audience

Podcasts provides a more personal way of getting information. Instead of just reading content on your blog or email, they get to hear your voice through podcasts. This makes your brand more personable. Overtime, people will be more familiar of your voice and presentation style.

Building a relationship with your audience helps in building trust. Once you gain their trust, it would be easier for you to turn them into paying customers. After all, people are more likely to buy something from someone they trust.

4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to be Podcasting

4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to be Podcasting4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs to be Podcasting

Tiktok for Business 5 Content Ideas to Gain Followers and Boost Engagement

Tiktok and business may not seem like a good match. After all, the platform is mainly composed of teens showing off their dance moves, right? Not really. You’d be surprised to know that many brands, entrepreneurs, and service providers are on the platform.

In a leaked Tiktok for Business pitch deck, we learned that the average user spends 89 minutes per day on the platform. For businesses, 89 minutes gives you invaluable opportunities to get in on the action, capture your audience’s attention, and pique their interest.

If you’re new to the platform and wondering what type of content you should be doing, we got you covered.

In this blog post, we’ll go over some content ideas to help you gain more followers and boost your engagement rate. Let’s get started!

Tell your brand story

If you’re hoping to build a community on Tiktok, this would be a great way to introduce your brand. People are interested to learn about your story, and Tiktok would be the perfect platform to share your journey.

Share the meaning behind your brand name. Or you can share your brand’s mission and vision. It’s a compelling way to let your prospects know that they’re your priority. Plus, it humanizes your brand.

Create educational content 

You can use Tiktok to share tips and answer questions your audience may have.

If you’re a financial advisor, you can share bite-sized information about building wealth or managing money. This encourages the younger generation to think differently about their finances and helps them reach their financial goals.

If you’re a healthcare provider, you can create videos that educate viewers about your specialty. Use the platform to dispel medical myths and talk to your audience about medical issues that may otherwise go unaddressed.

It’s an excellent way to provide information to people who need it and meet them where they are.

Product videos 

Tiktok is a great platform to highlight your product, explain what it is, and what problems it solves. When done right, a product video can persuade buyers who are still on the fence about buying your product.

If you’re an eCommerce brand owner, try shooting your video in a creative way to get people intrigued and mesmerized. Think of iPhone teasers that show us how sleek their products are. If you’re a SaaS founder, consider creating a video walk-through to show potential users how to use your app and what problems it solve. The goal is to convince people to buy your product.

Share your success story

Your content doesn’t always have to be about your products or services. You can also share business tips or life hacks with your audience.

There are a lot of aspiring business owners out there. While many dreams of starting their own business, some may not know how to start. You can share a story of how you began, mistakes you’ve made in the past, and obstacles you’ve overcome.

Success stories, when told authentically, will hook your audience and motivate those struggling to make their dreams come true.

Collaborate with influencers

Savvy brand owners leverage the power of Tikok collaborations. They partner with like-minded businesses and creators to reach new audiences, increase engagement, and boost sales.

For instance, Chipotle engaged famous Tiktok personalities like Zach King and Kombucha Girl to extend the viral reach of their Halloween #Boorito challenge. The said campaign offers discounts to customers who wear costumes while visiting its restaurant on Halloween.

The Boorito campaign brought in a whopping 3.9 billion views in 4 months.

Final thoughts 

With over 1 billion users worldwide, Tiktok has become advertising have for businesses. It can be your best bet to attract a wider audience and increase your conversion rate.

Keep in mind, though, that Tiktok isn’t a serious platform. You’ll need to show your fun and creative side to grow your following and capture the public’s attention. Fun, light-hearted, and audio-driven videos thrive the most on the platform.

Get in front of the camera and try the content ideas we shared to help you get started. Be sure to post content regularly. You may feel like your videos aren’t getting much attention initially, but don’t quit. With consistent effort, you’ll be able to succeed on the platform and eventually see the fruits of your hard work.

5 Tiktok Content Ideas to Gain Followers and Boost Engagement

5 Tiktok Content Ideas to Gain Followers and Boost Engagement5 Tiktok Content Ideas to Gain Followers and Boost Engagement

5 Ways to Boost Sales Without Increasing Your Marketing Budget

Most business owners think it’s impossible to generate sales without paid advertisements. This is why we often see startups spending a considerable chunk of their budget on ads.

But let’s face it. Small businesses don’t have a limitless marketing budget. In most cases, they need to think creatively to boost their sales. Increasing your sales with a limited marketing budget can be challenging, but it’s not impossible.

In this blog post, we’ll share five ways to pump up your sales without increasing your marketing budget. The best part? They can help you build a stronger relationship with your audience.

Leverage the power of social media

While not everyone on social media is interested to make a purchase, it’s one of the most cost-effective marketing channels. It gives you the chance to promote your products and get in front of your audience with very minimal effort.

When used correctly, it can help you generate more leads, build a relationship with your audience, and get them to buy your products later on. Plus, social media platforms have analytics, which allows you to monitor and track results.

Consistency is the key to social media success. Your audience value a steady presence, so make sure you post consistently. You don’t need necessarily need to post every day. If you can only post two to three times a week, then that’s fine. What’s important is that you stick to your posting schedule.

Keep your audience engaged with video marketing

Videos are one of the most popular choices for content consumption today. Believe it or not, videos can help you generate more sales. In fact, 80% of marketers claimed that video content helped them directly increase sales, and it can help you too. 

One of the reasons why videos increase sales is because they tell your story more emotionally and dramatically as compared to photos and plain text.

People are more likely to share the video with their family and friends if they are interesting, informative, and entertaining. This helps you reach a massive audience. Even better, 84% of consumers say they’re convinced to buy a product after watching a brand’s video.

Nurture leads with email marketing

Email marketing may look complicated and intimidating if you haven’t done it before. But it’s not as complex as it seems. Plus, it’s a great way to build a relationship with your audience and turn them into brand enthusiasts.

You see, not all customers who visit your products will buy from you. Some are just looking. Others would actually add products to their cart and then abandon their carts for some reason. In fact, studies suggest that 7 out of 10 customers abandon their carts. It doesn’t matter how good your products are; this happens most of the time. 

One of the most effective ways to turn prospects into customers is by nurturing them. You can educate them about your products. Let them know when you’re running a promotion. The goal is to establish trust and convince them to buy from you.

Another way to recover lost sales is by sending abandoned cart emails. It’s a follow-up email that is sent to customers who left your site without purchasing. The goal is to encourage customers to complete their purchases.

Generate leads with a strong SEO strategy

To boost sales, you need to have a strong digital presence. SEO is a great place to start.

Studies suggest that 89% of customers start their buying process with a quick Google search. They look up reviews for products they’re interested in. Or search for the best restaurants near their home.

SEO can help improve your online visibility and drive more traffic to your website, giving you more opportunities to convert leads into customers.

Implement a customer loyalty program

Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in converting leads to customers that you fail to realize that your best customers are right in front of you. 

Existing customers are 67% more likely to purchase your products than new customers. Why? Because they already know how good your products are, how fast your delivery time is, and most importantly, they know that they can trust you. This is why it’s essential to maintain a relationship with your existing customers. 

Loyalty programs play a huge role in retaining customers. They work because they make your customers feel more valued and appreciated.

It makes them more likely to choose you over the competition, which leads to repeat purchases, referrals, and more profits. 

Final thoughts

There is no denying that it’s possible to boost your sales with a tight marketing budget. Sure, you can focus on social media marketing, publish SEO-optimized content, or publish video content every week. All these can help you gain more exposure and eventually turn prospects into paying customers. However, relying solely on free marketing strategies will require a lot of time and effort on your part.

If you want quicker results, it is be best to re-invest a portion of your profits into your marketing and advertising budget. It will save you valuable time and provide a more scalable way for your company’s growth.

5 Ways to Boost Sales Without Increasing Your Marketing Budget

5 Ways to Boost Sales Without Increasing Your Marketing Budget5 Ways to Boost Sales Without Increasing Your Marketing Budget 


How to Create an Effective Content Calendar for Your Business

As a business owner, it is important to provide your audience with a steady supply of interesting and engaging content. But let’s face it. There will come a time when you’ll run out of ideas and don’t know what to write about. If you find yourself in this situation, then a content calendar may be just what you need.

Creating a content calendar allows you to plan your content in advance and schedule them across multiple channels at once. This allows business owners to come up with well-researched and valuable pieces of content and then schedule them on multiple platforms in one go. Plus, it will spare you the trouble of having to come up with a topic just before the deadline.

You may not realize it, but creating posts and content on the fly is more prone to mistakes and typos. With a content calendar, you’ll have enough time to write your content and proofread them before publishing.

Ready to create your own content calendar? Here are 4 tips to help you get started.

1. What content does your tribe want?

It is important to know what your audience is looking for before you just start posting. What do they like? What are they engaging on, sharing, talking about? Look at your past social media posts if you have them or your competitor’s posts and see what is working. One way to do this is looking at your social media analytics to get a good idea of what posts people have engaged in. What if you are just starting out and you don’t know what your audience is looking for yet? This is where your competition comes in, take a look at a good competitor and see what are they talking about, what type of posts are getting the most engagement?

Be sure to mix up your content, have posts with just text, articles, blogs, images, videos, gifs, to make sure you are grabbing their attention. Once you have a good idea of what type of content your tribe/audience likes then you can start creating!

2. How often should you be posting to each platform?

This is a question we get asked all the time! Each platform is different. As a business owner, you will have Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and maybe even more than that. It is important to keep your audience in mind when posting. Meaning, how often should you post and what times should you post. When you were doing your research in step one, also check out the times that people were engaging.

You do not want to bombard your audience by posting too much and you don’t want to post too little so they forget about you. It’s kinda like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, you don’t want your porridge to be too hot, too cold, but just perfect!  

Here is the common rule of thumb for posting to the social media platforms:

  • Facebook: 1 time per day and 3 on the high-end
  • Twitter: 3 times a day on the low-end and 30 on the high-end
  • LinkedIn: 2-5 times per week
  • Google+: 3-5 times per week
  • Pinterest: 5-10 times per day
  • Instagram: at least once per day

Each platform is going to be different for you, some you will have more engagement so you can post more and some you will have less engagement so you may need to only post a few times per week.

Remember to use the analytics to look at the numbers and see what they are reflecting so you can stay top of mind to your tribe/audience!

3. Time to Create Your Content

Once you know what your tribe/audience is looking for and how often you should be posting, it is then time to create!

Remember to keep it fresh and mix it up. Here are a few different content ideas for you:

  • Create a custom image through Canva, WordSwag, Typorama, Prisma, etc.
  • Create a video through Ripl, iMovie, Videorama, Animoto
  • Post your blog post from your website to social media
  • Find outside sources, articles, other blogs and videos you like, that align with your brand to share
  • Gifs to increase engagement

Here are a few tools we use to help keep our outside sources organized:


The content you need to accelerate your research, marketing, and sales.  Stay ahead of the curve. The content you need to accelerate your research, marketing, and sales.


Discover the best of the web, one click at a time.

4. Time to fill in your calendar

Now that you have put your plan together and figured out the type of content you are going to write, where you are posting it and how often, you can fill out your calendar.

We have found that there are a few tools to help you with that content calendar. Everyone is different, some people like more of a visual calendar and others like more of an excel type of calendar. We love creating the content calendar in Google Sheets then using Trello to write the content and copy from there to our platforms. Others like to use Google Calendar for their topics and then put the posts directly into Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule them at one time to the correct social media networks.

You have to explore each option to see which one resonates with you the best! So we wanted to give you some to choose from:


Trello is a project management tool that’s very popular with bloggers, marketers and social media managers. It’s a good way to keep track of your content ideas and even has an additional calendar add-on you can use to get a monthly view of your planned content.

Google Calendar

If you want to keep it simple, you could always just create a new Google calendar for the process and invite everyone on the team to view it. Those teammates could also add all of their own posts and ideas to the same calendar.

Google Sheets

We have created our clients content calendars into here for topics and it will look like this:

Or this is how our Social Speak Content Calendar looks, you can be as general or as detailed as you want:


Buffer is a new and smarter way to share what you want to share on Social Media. People have called it great names before, like your Social Media Assistant or the Siri of Social Media.

What it does is simple. Posts in your queue will be sent out automatically by Buffer, according to the posting schedule that you put in place.

Select the social account you’d like to customize the posting schedule for, select the Settings tab at the top, and then select Posting Schedule. From here, you can choose which timezone is best for this account and customize the days and times your posts should go out. Select the days you’d like to include and add the individual times you’d like your content to be shared.


Manage all your social media in one place. From finding prospects to serving customers, Hootsuite helps you do more with your social media. Save time by scheduling your social posts. Keep your social presence active 24/7 by automatically scheduling hundreds of social media posts at once, across your social accounts.

How to Create an Effective Content Calendar for Your Business

How to Create an Effective Content Calendar for Your BusinessHow to Create an Effective Content Calendar for Your Business


45 Social Media Questions That Will Get Your Audience Talking

Social media is an excellent platform for promoting your business and reaching your audience.

With billions of users logging in on their accounts almost every day, there is no doubt that social media can help you grow and scale your brand over time.

But the truth is that having an audience isn’t enough. If you want to grow a fanbase, you need to interact with your audience and keep them engaged. One of the best ways to get the conversation started is by asking questions.

Asking questions will not only help you genuinely connect with your audience, but it can also help you improve your organic reach.

But before we give you a list of social media questions, here are some tips to further pump up your engagement when asking questions.

Ask questions that are easy to answer

This is supposed to be a fun activity, so don’t let your audience think too hard. The easier it is for your audience to answer the questions, the more likely will they participate.

While some may not always engage, but fun and easy questions may encourage people to stop and be interested enough to read the comments.

Make use of visuals  

Studies suggest that social media posts with images get 2.3 times more engagement than those without. So if you want to grab people’s attention, we highly suggest that you include a visually appealing image with it. But make sure that it is relevant to your content.

Post when your audience are most active

Just like any other social media content, you want to post the questions when your audience are actively engaging on the platform. Keep in mind, though, that the best time varies from platform to platform. So be sure to do some research.

Choose relevant and on-trend topics

If you’re struggling to find questions to ask your audience, just hop on to Google and do some research. There are also lots of tools available that can help you find trending topics in your industry.

Questions to ask on social media

Just for fun questions

Social media is a great place to ask just for fun question. The answers people give you aren’t really important. What matter most is that you’re

  1. If you were planning a dream vacation where would you be going?
  2. What movie would be the most fun to live in?
  3. If you got offered a reset button for your life would you push it?
  4. What movie have you watched more than five times?
  5. If you could only have one snack for the rest of your life what would you pick?
  6. If you were stuck on a deserted island, what three items would you bring?
  7. What job would your pet have it was human?
  8. What would the title of your autobiography be?.
  9. What weird talent do you possess?
  10. What shows are you binging on Netflix right now?

Business-specific questions

Asking business-related questions is not only a great way to engage your customers, but also helps you get insights from your customers. 

  1. If we gave you $100 to spend in our shop, which products or services would you stock up on?
  2. Which do you prefer, [product A] or [product B]?
  3. What kind of [industry] content would you like to learn about?
  4. Do you prefer podcasts, videos, or blog posts?
  5. What’s the #1 thing you struggle with when it comes to [industry]?
  6. What’s one product/service you’d like us to start offering?
  7. What deal would you prefer to get? 15% off or free shipping?
  8. What’s the #1 thing you look for in a [your product or service]?
  9. Would you be sad if we discontinued [product]?
  10. What questions do you have about [product-related topic]?

Food-related questions

People love food. In fact, most people enjoy taking a snap of their food and posting them on social media. Asking food-related question will surely get them talking.

  1. What’s your favorite food?
  2. What’s your specialty dish?
  3. If you could only eat at one fast-food restaurant for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
  4. If you could cook with any celebrity chef, who would it be?
  5. What’s your favorite healthy snack/food?
  6. What’s the most adventurous meal you’ve ever eaten?
  7. What’s the best meal you’ve ever eaten?
  8. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  9. If you could buy any type of food right now, what would you buy?
  10. What was your favorite food as a kid?

Gratitude-related or motivation questions

More and more people are being drawn to the idea on reflecting on their lives. As such, people are more open to talking about what motivates them, what they’re grateful for, and other positive thoughts. Asking these types of questions are sure to boost your social media engagement.

  1. What’s one thoughtful thing someone did for you recently?
  2. What are you grateful for today?
  3. What’s a difficult lesson that you were grateful to learn?
  4. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever done for you? (Tag that person)
  5. Who is someone that really listens when you talk? (Tag them below)
  6. What was the last thing you got really excited about?
  7. What’s one thing you hope to accomplish this week?
  8. What’s your #1 goal for this year?
  9. What kinds of things motivate you in life?
  10. When was the last time you felt truly motivated

Would you rather questions

Would you rather questions are fun. They’re great for long road trips and are equally as good on social media. You can post them as regular content or post them as stories to drive engagement.

  1. Would you rather be unable to use search engines or unable to use social media?
  2. Would you rather live alone in a beautiful countryside or work hard and live in the city around the people you love?
  3. Would you rather receive a free world tour opportunity or never have to pay for food at restaurants?
  4. Would you rather know all of someone’s darkest secrets or have the ability to read minds
  5. Would you rather travel to the past or travel to the future

45 Social Media Questions That Will Get Your Audience Talking

45 Social Media Questions That Will Get Your Audience Talking45 Social Media Questions That Will Get Your Audience Talking